Welcome to Encrypt Ventures

Creating the Digital Future for Fine Art Investments


The fine art market is in need of transformation. With blockchain technology, we simplify investments in fine art and improve the speed, accessiblity and security of trading.


With economic uncertainty and inflation, a multi-asset portfolio is more important than ever. Alternativ asset classes like art are usually difficult to access. We change that.

Decades of Experience

Benefit From Over 25 Years of Experience in Art Trading

Global Network
Advanced Insights
Independent Sourcing
Authentication Partners
High Security Storage
Proven Track Record

“Our goal is to create the digital future for fine art investments. We believe that tokenization has the power to unlock billions of euros in formerly illiquid assets by making investments more accessible, faster and cost-effective.”

Tao Yang, Financial Analyst
Art gallery with paintings

Our Partners

Liqwith is our technology partner for the investor platform.
Captiva Estate is a founding member of Encrypt Ventures. They provide expertise and consulting in the fine art sector.
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